“bind”에 대한 검색결과 입니다.

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2018년 구글 딥마인드 ‘알파폴드’ 등장 연이어 로제타폴드·ESM폴드 나와…정확도·속도 개선 원하는 기능 갖는 새로운 단백질 설계까지 ‘DESIGNED TO BIND(결합되도록 설계됐다)’ 지난 18일 국제 학술지 사이언스의...
Hovering over a state visit to Washington is the possibility of a swing in American foreign policy if Donald Trump returns to the White House. When President Biden welcomes Japan’s prime...
BIND DNS 취약점 보안 업데이트 권고(2월 23일) ISC(Internet Systems Consortium)는 BIND DNS에서 발생하는 취약점을 해결한 보안 업데이트 발표다. 공격자는 해당 취약점을 악용하여 피해를 발생시킬 수 있으므로, 최신...
BH3120 uses Hanmi's proprietary Pentambody technology, which allows a single antibody to bind to two different targets simultaneously. This enhances the potential for cancer treatment by...
This is harder in an America of proliferating identities and symbols, a country where group rights and grievances risk trumping the commonalities and compromises that bind us together....
After 25 years of negotiations, they have only managed to close one of the total 35 chapters in negotiations on the EU’s acquis communitaire (the rules, rights and regulations that bind all EU...
So he removed a piece of skin, and used it to bind a copy of the play. “There was a sense that this was a tribute,” Ian Kahn, a dealer, explained to onlookers gathered at the counter of his...
Shafik said in her letter. “I hope everyone can take a deep breath, show compassion and work together to rebuild the ties that bind us together.”
Johnson is in a bind. “Boy, is it a tough one,” said former Representative Vin Weber, Republican of Minnesota, who helped advise Kevin McCarthy during his lengthy bid to secure the gavel....
The Biden administration’s reversal of Trump-era policy on settlements in the occupied West Bank reflects not just its rising frustration with Israel, but the political bind the president finds...
political bind President Biden finds himself in just days before the Democratic primary on Tuesday in Michigan, where a large Arab American population is urging voters to register their anger by...
The mission is to rescue civilians, ahead of killing an enemy.” That strategic bind has amplified the military’s frustration at the indecisiveness of Israel’s civilian leadership, according...
To end the war in Gaza and free the remaining Israeli hostages, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have to cut deals that analysts say could end his government — and potentially his career....
영어 성경은 데오를 바인드(bind·묶다 매다)로, 뤼오를 루스(loose·풀어 주다, 느슨하게 하다)로 번역했습니다. 오늘날 영어에서 데오는 다이어뎀(diadem·왕관) 신데틱(syndetic·접속사를 쓰는)에서, 뤼오는...
are in a bind for another reason: they still have loans outstanding—to First Citizens Bank.”-Wall Street Journal-- bind는 대단히 많은 뜻을 가지고 있는 단어 중 하나인데요, 가장 대표적인 건 ‘묶는다’는 뜻입니다. 특히...
Mariko, acting in concert with Toranaga, has placed the rival lord in a terrible bind. If he refuses to allow Mariko and the ladies to leave, then he’s shown to the nation that all the nobles...
박현준의 ‘스타트업’의 세계 사람이 대인관계를 넓혀가는 방법에는 바인드(Bind)와 브릿지(Bridge)가 있다. Bind는 ‘묶다’의 의미이고, Bridge는 ‘다리 놓기’라는 의미이다. 두 단어는 비슷한 듯 보이지만 아주 큰...
There is an African proverb that says, "When spiders gather, they bind lions together." Indeed, the collective efforts of African customs authorities, the AfCFTA and the Korea Customs Service are...
BIND won the D.Day X CJ Lifestyle startup competition in April, which was co-hosted by D.Camp... D.Camp Award-winning BIND offers fashion commerce for men aged 45-65 on mobile and online. The...
선재는 5일 낮 12시 각종 온라인 음원 사이트를 통해 새 디지털 싱글 'Bind (바인드)'를 발매한다. 'Bind'는 '어지러운', '아찔한'이라는 뜻을 지닌 Dizzy 콘셉트를 담은 앨범이다. 선재는 지난 8월 발매한 'Sool (술) (Feat....