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첫 번째 죽음은 경험한 우석은 마음가짐을 새로이 하고 다시금 The Ambitious에 접속해 특별한 인연을 만난 그는 전직 영업맨 특기를 살려 그와 동행하며 가르침도 얻는다. 새로운 미발견 던전도 찾았고, 모든 것이 순탄할 것만 같던 우석 일행의 뒤를 따르는 어두운 그림자들이 있었으니... - 출판사 제공
가상현실FPS게임 World Around Rabbit, 통칭 W.A.R! 세계를 상대로 뻥을 친 김윤경의 처절한 몸부림이 시작된다. 시스템의 오류로 W.A.R의 세계랭커로 오해받은 소년 김윤경. 오해라고도 못하고 졸지에 세계랭커가 될 처지에 놓이는데... - 출판사 제공
S.D.M의 종착지에 다다른 하얀 꽃 분대. 잭과 앨비노를 꺾고 준결승전에 오른 유피는 자신을 지목한 중앙 컴퓨터로 인해 인트사로부터 해커라는 오해를 받게 된다. 그럼에도 유피를 믿고 싶은 메시아의 고민은 극에 달하는데…….
3권 : 쿠테타 Survival Death Match 진행 중! 살아남는 자가 정의고, 살아남은 쪽이 강한 것! 악명 높은 적들을 맞아 더욱 악랄하게 대응하는 유피는 결국 '속임수의 달인'이라는 칭호까지를 얻게 된다. “쳇! 그래, 어디 한번 놀아 보자고!” 하지만 유피와 친구들의 운은 딱 거기까지였다. 탈락한 조가 있으면 본선 대진표에 차질이 생기기 때문에 대회 주최 측에서는 와일드카드(Wildcard)제도를 도입했고, 탈락자 중에 랭킹이 가장 높은 자를 올려놓는 방법을 썼다. “탈락자 중에서 랭킹이 가장 높은 자라면 설마…….” “전신(戰神) 사일런트. 너에게 패해 탈락했던 그가 와일드카드로 본선에 진출했어.” - 출판사 제공
***Winner of the Financial Times Business Book of the Year award*** 'Pulse quickening. A nonfiction thriller - equal parts The China Syndrome and Mission Impossible' New York Times An epic account of the decades-long battle to control the world's most critical resource—microchip technology Power in the modern world - military, economic, geopolitical - is built on a foundation of computer chips. America has maintained its lead as a superpower because it has dominated advances in computer chips and all the technology that chips have enabled. (Virtually everything runs on chips: cars, phones, the stock market, even the electric grid.) Now that edge is in danger of slipping, undermined by the naïve assumption that globalising the chip industry and letting players in Taiwan, Korea and Europe take over manufacturing serves America's interests. Currently, as Chip War reveals, China, which spends more on chips than any other product, is pouring billions into a chip-building Manhattan Project to catch up to the US. In Chip War economic historian Chris Miller recounts the fascinating sequence of events that led to the United States perfecting chip design, and how faster chips helped defeat the Soviet Union (by rendering the Russians’ arsenal of precision-guided weapons obsolete). The battle to control this industry will shape our future. China spends more money importing chips than buying oil, and they are China's greatest external vulnerability as they are fundamentally reliant on foreign chips. But with 37 per cent of the global supply of chips being made in Taiwan, within easy range of Chinese missiles, the West's fear is that a solution may be close at hand. 'A riveting history. Features vivid accounts and colourful characters' Financial Times 'Fascinating…A historian by training, Miller walks the reader through decades of semiconductor history – a subject that comes to life thanks to [his] use of colorful anecdotes' Forbes 'Indispensable' Niall Ferguson
How the human history of conflict has transformed the world we live in - for good and evil.
Kate Kelly has always been overshadowed by her famous brother Ned, but the talented young woman was a popular public figure in her own right. This moving biography tells her astonishing story in full for the first time.
How the human history of conflict has transformed the world we live in - for good and evil.
The universe has expanded dangerously beyond belief The fracturing of order back home sends Earth into turmoil, the tension affecting both near and far solar systems. Suffering from the political situation and kept mostly in the dark, the former crew of the Ichi are scattered to other roles.? Commander Kyle Torres, after the shocking discovery of the true nature of the Va'alen, is tasked with the difficult job of negotiating with the Kuldar.
My goal is to make this book motivational, inspirational and educational. I try to achieve a mixture of humor, intrigue and a certain amount of suspense in building a word picture in the readers mind, as I reveal the ugliness and the reality of war, along with the suffering and aftermath inside that never leaves a combat soldier after taking the lives of others made in the image and likeness of God Almighty.
After achieving huge success with Taboo, Delilah brings an impressively new dimension with War. War is a captivating and enchanted book of sex, love, lust, heartbreak and uncertainty. Delilah has captured every aspect of love and framed it in poetry, in a manner only she could. This book shows a hint of delicacy but, in true Delilah style, is written with 'grit'. It is exciting, raw, blunt and unapologetic.
Unique, genuine, and visceral. Dorach, in his first volume, shares a selection of 224 darkly intense personal poems themed around love, sex (the beginning of life), death (the end of it) and the pain of tragedies that sometimes unfold between the two. Written over three decades, the prose is adult. There is nothing contrived, nor glib in his work. They are the record of human truth happening in real time; at times heart punches and at times achingly detached observation.
Unique, genuine, and visceral. Dorach, in his first volume, shares a selection of 224 darkly intense personal poems themed around love, sex (the beginning of life), death (the end of it) and the pain of tragedies that sometimes unfold between the two. Written over three decades, the prose is adult. There is nothing contrived, nor glib in his work. They are the record of human truth happening in real time; at times heart punches and at times achingly detached observation.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" (Albert Einstein)."Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die" (Herbert Hoover)."Only the dead have seen the end of war" (Plato)."If you win, you need not have to explain . . . If you lose, you should not be there to explain!?" (Adolph Hitler)."There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people" (Howard Zinn).
War is an armed conflict between states or nations. The causes of war may be ideological, political, racial, economic, or religious. War has been a feature of history. The use of fighting forces requires strategy and tactics. Efforts to end war have all failed, including the League of Nations and the United Nations. The laws of war are not recognized. There has been no success in leaving out the civilian population in any war. The biblical concept of war required that God declare the war.
War is an armed conflict between states or nations. The causes of war may be ideological, political, racial, economic, or religious. War has been a feature of history. The use of fighting forces requires strategy and tactics. Efforts to end war have all failed, including the League of Nations and the United Nations. The laws of war are not recognized. There has been no success in leaving out the civilian population in any war. The biblical concept of war required that God declare the war.
This book presents a distinctive approach to the study of war and its law. It provides a vehicle for students from various disciplines -- historical analysis, international relations theory, law and economics, behavioral economics and psychology, science and technology (including the study of the environment), sociology, political philosophy, moral and ethical theory, and comparative religion -- to work together in addressing the cutting edge issues presented in the modern law of war.
A timely and thought-provoking novella about being a refugee - a bestseller throughout Europe, published in the UK for the first time
War: A Children's Book is an educational peacemaking tool. When your child asks, "why is there war?" will you be ready with a real answer? This rhyming children's book is a tool to help gently explain the terrifying phenomenon of war without continuing the cycle of fear and hate. It teaches children not just the root causes and effects of war, but also their own role in preventing future wars.