“synonym”에 대한 검색결과 입니다.

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Mac and Roni read books offer education and entertainment combined that equals EDU-tainment. Mac and Roni will capture the readers attention with a focus on a variety of topics that range from language to science to history and geography. Short early reader books with an emphasis on the three tiers of vocabulary: Tier 1 Basic Vocabulary, Tier 2 High Frequency/Multiple Meaning and Tier 3 Subject-related.
Everyone who works with words will welcome this magnificent aid to finding the ever-elusive "right" word. "A splendid tool for writers."--Irving Stone. ...
A Synonym For Home is a collection of interweaving poems highlighting the inner complications of finding comfort where trauma once grew. While addressing such subjects as the memories of childhood abuse, an eating disorder, heartbreak, and new love, the reader watches as the speaker explores trauma, dismantles it, and grows beyond what once held her back.
Whimsical rhymes and humorous illustrations explain the concept of synonyms.
Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides data on enzymes sufficiently well characterized. It is also correlated with the EC number and the volume and page number of the corresponding place in the Springer Handbook of Enzymes. Thus, the Synonym Index 2010 lists all current synonyms and supplements the correlated volume and page number for all volumes.
『TEST 유의어사전』은 각종 시험에 대비한 유의어를 수록한 교재다. 정확한 어휘 개념을 학습하는 가장 좋은 방법은 유사 어휘(Analogical words)들 끼리 서로 연관 시켜서 연상 학습 하는 것이다. 이 방법론은 어휘의 표면적인 의미만을 학습하는 것이 아니라 어휘의 속뜻(the shadow of meaning)을 깨우쳐 어휘의 활용도를 높이는 방법이다. 이 책에서는 바로 이런 방법론으로 어휘들의 정확한 개념을 이해시키기 위해서 전체적인 내용을 구성하였다.
Describes what synonyms are and provides examples of them used in different sentences.
Winner of the 2021 Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Prize of the American Society of Church HistoryWinner of the 2022 SMFS Best First Book in Medieval Feminist Studies AwardAn overlooked aspect of the iconography of the Annunciation investigated - Mary's book.
영어동화를 즐겁게 읽는 유아부터 영문법 기본을 배우는 초등학생까지, 문법을 자연스럽게 동화로 배우는 시리즈이다. 또한, 아이들을 이야기 중심에 참여시켜, 주인공으로서 문법의 개념을 이해하게 하는 문법동화이다. 재미있고 흥미진진한 동화로 읽고 나면, 어느새 문법에 관한 개념이 머릿속에 자연스럽게 자리잡게 된다. 영문법 개념을 아이의 눈높이에서 펼쳐 보인다. 일반적인 문법책들처럼 설명이나 예문을 나열해 놓는 방식이 아니라, 문법의 일부 뜻을 알려주고, 아이들이 문법 개념을 확실히 이해할 수 있도록 다양한 예시를 보여 준다. 이 예시들은 주변의 글들과는 다른 색과 크기로 구별되어 보여져 더욱 이해가 쉽다. [음성파일]
Attention to vocabulary and finding appropriate strategy to learn new vocabularies has always been challenging for learners or even teachers. Researchers' consideration to vocabulary has been growing since mid. 1980s. In this regard, various researchers and teachers stated one or some instructions are more helpful for learners.
It’s a word-puzzle lover’s dream team: David L. Hoyt, the most syndicated puzzle? writer in the country, and Merriam-Webster, America’s most trusted dictionary. Published? in visually striking full color, here are over 450 inventive, entertaining, and truly challenging word games and puzzles designed to stretch the mind and even increase vocabulary. And it’s in the format that users love--the travel-friendly, gift-friendly? 4" x 6" chunky size.
This book offers new perspectives on the study of Chinese lexical semantics, as well as discourse analysis and cognitive pragmatics based on lexical semantics.