“magic”에 대한 검색결과 입니다.

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Stretch your brain power with 20 fact-packed picture quizzes from expert puzzle master Dr Gareth Moore. Can you name a BIRD from its feather? How about a MEAL from its ingredients? What about a SCIENTIST from their discovery? Or a JOB from the equipment? Covering key encyclopaedic topics, from nature, science and technology to sport, History and Geography, keep everyone guessing with hours of family fun.
A mindful introduction to gardening, every month of the year
Shortlisted for the Fortnum & Mason Food and Drink Awards 2022 in the Food Book category. Learn how flour and water were revolutionized as you pore over different pasta and noodle shapes, discover how cheese is made, find out why onions make you cry and marvel at nature’s ingenuity as you take a bite from eighteen varieties of apples and pears. Split into digestible chapters, this visual guide explores the journey from farm to table, letting you taste your way around the world from the comfort of home.
Bring the magic of music into your home with this interactive book, which features a wind-up mechanism that sounds just like a musical jewellery box.
Bring calm with short stories for little ones
Bring calm with short stories for little ones
Meet 29 icons, from pop stars to sporting heroes, and discover how they overcame a range of mental health issues, from anorexia to depression, to live inspiring lives. At a time when kids' mental health is under more pressure than ever, this book celebrates the message that it's ok not to be ok.
Join magician, author, and psychologist Richard Wiseman as he journeys into the secretive world of magic and uncovers the surprising therapeutic and educational benefits of making the impossible possible.
David Paton is the singer, songwriter and bass player with the group Pilot, writing the worldwide hits 'Magic', 'January' and 'Just a Smile'. He was a member of The Alan Parsons Project for ten years and did session work with The Pretenders, Paul McCartney, Kate Bush, Chris De Burgh, Chris Rea and Jimmy Page, to name but a few.
영어의 기초를 다져주는『초등 영어 표현 사전』. 이 책은 초등학생들이 알아야 할 주제별 영단어를 엮은 것으로, 쉽고 재미있는 Dialogue와 1800여개의 필요한 표현들로 구성되어 있다. 알고 싶은 표현들, 말하고 싶은 표현들을 사용빈도가 높은 표현 위주로 모았으며 부족하기 쉬운 어휘를 주제별로 정리하여 학습하는데 도움을 준다.
There are a total of a trillion multiverses. One multiverse contains 147,000,000 universes. A universe contains 137,000,000 galaxies. In the multiverse a primordial goddess named Nada rules with her favored universe. There rules a twin flame duo named Lunar and Soleil of the favored universe. There rules a galaxy god named Amne. One of the very few just in the universe. On his opposite pole stands a god named Cius, who seeks to destroy and gain his power lust.
The unraveling of a mother/daughter relationship that is at once chaotic, loving, and mercilessly destructive.
Reproduction of the original: Magic by G.K.
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER It starts on a summer evening, with the kind of magic found only in Paris. Once a year in the City of Light, a lavish dinner takes place outside a spectacular landmark--the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame . . . a new setting each time. Selected by secret invitation, the guests arrive dressed in white, with tables and chairs, white linens, flowers, fine china, sparkling crystal, and an elegant dinner. As the sun sets, thousands of candles are lit. And when the night is over, hundreds of white paper lanterns, each with a flame within, bearing everyone's fervent wishes, are released into the sky. Amid this wondrous White Dinner, a group of close friends stands at the cusp of change. Jean-Philippe and Valerie Dumas are devoted to each other and their young children. He is a rising star in the financial world, she, an editor at French Vogue. But a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in China may lead to separation--and temptation. The epitome of a stylish power couple from Milan, Benedetta and Gregorio Mariani run a venerable Italian clothing empire. Gregorio projects strength, but has a weakness that will ignite a crisis in their company and their marriage. Chantal Giverny, an award-winning screenwriter, and Dharam Singh, one of India's most successful tech entrepreneurs, are singles paired for the evening. They arrive as friends, but their paths will be set on dramatically different courses before the White Dinner ends. Spanning the globe, this breathtaking novel follows these indelible characters through a transformative year of successes and heartbreaks until the next White Dinner. From the world's most beloved writer, here is a tale told with extraordinary tenderness and passion, as Danielle Steel explores what it really means to have magic in our lives. From the Hardcover edition.
They gather in darkness, sharing ancient and arcane knowledge as they manipulate the very matter of reality itself. Spells and conjuration; legerdemain and prestidigitation - these are the mistresses and masters of the esoteric arts.
A course of private lessons given to his personal pupils. This work uncovers the mysteries of magic, natural, mental, ceremonial and divine magic, interpreting every aspect of the subject of both White and Black magic and shows how to protect ones...
당신의 삶에도 마법을 일으켜라! 매직 28일간의 시크릿 연습『매직』. 2006년에 출간되어, 선풍적인 인기를 끌며 많은 사람들에게 단 1%만 알았던 부와 성공의 비밀을 알려 준《시크릿》의 저자 론다 번이 이번 책에서《시크릿》에서 알려준 ‘비밀’을 직접 실천에 옮겨, 우리 삶에 마법을 거는 방법을 제시하였다. 저자는 감사하는 마음이 지닌 마법의 힘을 활용하여 건강, 돈, 일, 인간관계를 근본적으로 변화시키고 꿈을 실현시킬 수 있도록 특별히 고안된 실천 방법 28가지를 소개한다. 전반부의 12가지 실천에서는 당신이 지금 누리는 것, 그리고 과거에 받은 것에 대해 감사하는 마음이 지닌 마법의 힘을 활용하는 방법을 알려준다. 뒤이어 나오는 10가지 실천에서는 소망, 꿈 등 우리가 원하는 모든 것에 대해 감사하는 마음이 지닌 마법의 힘을 활용하는 법을 알려주고, 6가지 실천에서는 우리를 새로운 차원으로 끌어올리고, 우리의 몸과 마음, 세포 하나하나마다 감사하는 마음을 가득 채울 수 있는 노하우를 전한다.