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유명한 Richard Hannay 스릴러 시리즈의 첫 작품. Richard Hannay는 터벅터벅 자신의 아파트로 돌아갔다. 그는 따분했다. 영국에서는 신나는 일이 하나도 일어나지 않기 때문이다. 그러자 그날 저녁 Scudder란 남자가 Richard를 찾아와서 아주 기묘한 이야기를 들려주는데...... 일주일 후 Hannay는 스코틀랜드의 구릉 지대를 필사적으로 뛰어가고 있다. 살인 누명을 쓰고 경찰에게 쫓기고 있는 것이다. 게다가 더욱 위험한 적이 Hannay를 쫓고 있었다. 그들은 '검은 돌'이라고 불리는 신비의 집단이었다.
This fascinating book chronicles the making of the new record industry, from the boom years of the CD revolution of the late 1980s to the crisis of the present day, with particular stress on the last decade. The CD revolution was a bonanza for the record industry. The new digital medium attracted sales in its own right and existing material could now be re-packaged and resold with huge profit margins. Sales grew, but then the pirates moved in, exploiting the medium by making perfect copies.
Offers information on downloading music, podcasts, photographs and movies to the generation of iPods, MP3 players, mobiles and computers, giving a Virgin slant on how to stay at the cutting edge of the downloading revolution. This work places emphasis on creating and downloading playlists.
『읽으면 저절로 말문이 트이는 영어회화패턴 226』은 영어회화를 잘 하고 싶지만 복잡하고 어려운 문법을 공부하는 것이 부담스러워 쉽게 도전하지 못하는 분들을 위해 만들어진 교재이다. 패턴을 공부하는 것은 영어회화 실력을 한 단계 업그레이드시킬 수 있는 지름길이 될 수 있다. 패턴에 익숙해지다 보면 문법구조를 자연스레 습득하게 되고, 자유자재로 응용이 가능하여 어휘력도 풍부해지게 될 것이다. ☞ 출판사 홈페이지(www.e-yesbook.co.kr)에서 무료 MP3 다운로드 서비스를 제공합니다. 단, 변동 사항이 있을 수 있으니 서비스 제공 내용을 직접 확인하신 후 이용하시기 바랍니다.
For a child in the great city of Venice in the thirteenth century, there could be nothing better than the stories of sailors. There were stories of strange animals, wonderful cities, sweet spices, and terrible wild deserts where a traveller could die. One young boy listened, waited, and dreamed. Perhaps one day his father and uncle would return. Perhaps he too could travel with them to great markets in faraway places.
1. Introduction These books are perfect for OET preparation, whether you are studying by yourself or in a class. They include six authentic practice tests covering the four papers: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each book also includes a code which gives access to digital resources online: an eBook version of the printed book, audio for listening activities, audio transcripts and answer keys with explanations. 2.
This textbook offers an introduction to the foundations of spectroscopic methods and provides a bridge between basic concepts and experimental applications in fields as diverse as materials science, biology, solar energy conversion, and environmental science.
From hinterland to hotspot: How fashion designers, painters, and photographers met and boundlessly inspired each other on the Cote d'Azur starting in the early 20th century. Text in English, German and French.
Ben, Rosie, and Max are building a treehouse with Clunk the robot.
Stress is a part of life-but it doesn't have to take over your life. This evidence-based workbook offers readers a powerful ten-week program for stress management drawing on the latest research in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and mindfulness.
단기간에 실제적인 한국어 의사소통 능력을 키우고자 하는 학습자를 대상으로 개발된 교재로, 일상생활에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 기본적인 상황을 중심으로 내용을 구성하여 실생활에 바로 활용할 수 있다. 각 Unit은 수업의 실제적인 흐름에 따른 어휘-작은 대화 세트-큰 대화 세트순으로 구성되어 학습자들이 따라하기 쉽다. 또한 각 문제마다 해당 페이지 내에 답을 제시하여 정답을 바로 확인 할 수 있고 문법 설명이 상세히 제시되어 자습이 가능하다.
1. Introduction The Cambridge Guide to OET Nursing is a definitive pathway to test-day success from a team of highly experienced writers, experts in language teaching and OET. Valuable practice in all four language skills required for the test! Backed by strong pedagogy and a hands-on approach to language learning, with content approved by OET, the book is your guide to success. The book includes a detailed introduction to OET with test overview as well as two complete practice tests.
Comprehensive guide to principles and practice of cancer management, covering chemo and radiotherapy of many common cancers.
A comprehensive, four-level American English grammar practice series that gives learners a true understanding of how grammar is used in authentic contexts.
The Teacher's Book includes teaching notes for all the activities in the Student's Book and full answer keys and audio scripts. Exam parts are highlighted to make test preparation easy to navigate and there are ideas for giving feedback and extension activities. There is a useful glossary of teaching ideas offering guidance on teaching this level. The Student's Book audio is available as an Audio Download.
The Teacher's Book includes teaching notes for all the activities in the Student's Book and full answer keys and audio scripts. Exam parts are highlighted to make test preparation easy to navigate and there are ideas for giving feedback and extension activities. There is a useful glossary of teaching ideas offering guidance on teaching this level. The Student's Book audio is available as an Audio Download.
The Teacher's Book includes teaching notes for all the activities in the Student's Book and full answer keys and audio scripts. Exam parts are highlighted to make test preparation easy to navigate and there are ideas for giving feedback and extension activities. There is a useful glossary of teaching ideas offering guidance on teaching this level. The Student's Book audio is available as an Audio Download.
The Teacher's Book includes teaching notes for all the activities in the Student's Book and full answer keys and audio scripts. Exam parts are highlighted to make test preparation easy to navigate and there are ideas for giving feedback and extension activities. There is a useful glossary of teaching ideas offering guidance on teaching this level. The Student's Book audio is available as an Audio Download.
The Teacher's Book includes teaching notes for all the activities in the Student's Book and full answer keys and audio scripts. Exam parts are highlighted to make test preparation easy to navigate and there are ideas for giving feedback and extension activities. There is a useful glossary of teaching ideas offering guidance on teaching this level. The Student's Book audio is available as an Audio Download.