“ColorCode”에 대한 검색결과 입니다.

〈 책 (Total 4개)

This book takes Angus McPherson, a Canadian Joint Task Force two-member, to Kabul, where he is injured by a suicide bomber, which leads Angus into thee years of intense therapy. When Angus has almost recovered back to the physical shape he had before the attack, he decides to take a job in civilian life as a plumbing sales rep, working for a former football teammate.As a plumbing salesman, Angus heads to Chicago for the annual Kitchen and Bath show.
This book takes Angus McPherson, a Canadian Joint Task Force two-member, to Kabul, where he is injured by a suicide bomber, which leads Angus into thee years of intense therapy. When Angus has almost recovered back to the physical shape he had before the attack, he decides to take a job in civilian life as a plumbing sales rep, working for a former football teammate. ?As a plumbing salesman, Angus heads to Chicago for the annual Kitchen and Bayh show.
The book shows how colour has functions that differ from those of other design elements as shape, texture and form.
오래사는 건강한 삶의 비결. 바로 음식의 색에 있다!? 음식의 색에 들어있는 영양을 알고 잘 섭취하면 활력이 넘치는 삶을 살아갈 수 있다. 이 책의 저자, James A. Joseph는 오랜동안 음식의 색에 대해 연구해 온 학자로 색채를 기준으로 음식물을 분석한다. 이 책은 빨강, 오렌지-노랑, 초록, 파랑-보라색을 가진 음식을 차례로 제시하고 인체에...